Karamelizirana čebulna marmelada iz Ptujskega lüka / Caramelised onion chutney made from onions from Ptuj region

by Cimetovo dekle

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Po dolgem premoru se zopet malo oglašam na blogu. Kako ste preživeli praznike (sicer se jih verjetno sploh ne spomnite več :D), moji so bili kar zanimivi, zopet sva namreč odpeketala v London, kjer sva se imela super in še bolj super, Do odhoda sem morala postoriti sicer zelo veliko zadev in sem zato že res komaj čakala na odhod. Ko sva se vračala sem bila napolnjena z energijo, ki pa je hitro splahnela, groza, januar je res čuden mesec, a ni? 🙂
Sedaj se še pobiram, kar se energije tiče, pa to ni zdaj neko samopomiljevanje, ampak očitno moje telo res rabi malo več pavze, kot pa samo en teden, pa čeprav je bil super teden. Dela in obveznosti imam sedaj dovolj, da si zopet pridem noter v ritem in moram priznati, da se ga že kar precej veselim. Izpiti so sedaj za mano, vsaj za ta semester, sedaj pa novim izzivom nasproti. In izzivom nihče ni kos, če nima dobre in tolažilne nagrade. Moja tolažilna nagrada je vsak teden drugačna, ta teden sem obsedena s čebulno marmelado, oz. bolj znano kot chutney. Dam si jo poleg vsega, super se namreč prilega poleg sirov, poleg mesa, al pa kar na žlico 🙂
Ta marmelada je še posebej dobra, ker je narejena iz slovenske čebule (Ptujski lük, ki je v Sloveniji tudi zaščiten z zaščiteno geografsko označbo (ZGO)), ki je res dobra in polnega okusa. Priprav je preprosta, najtežji del je rezanje čebule in nato čakanje, da se skuha, še posebej zato, ker cela hiša tako lepo diši, da je kar neverjetno;)
Poskusite in dober tek 😉

Glasbena podlaga: Lost stars

9-10 srednje velikih ptujskih čebul
50 g arganovega olja (sem ga slučajno imela, lahko uporabite tudi olivno)
2 čilija (več ali manj, po okusu)
100 ml balzamičnega kisa
200 ml rdečega vinskega kisa (lahko zamenjate razmerje, jaz sem imela več rdečega kisa:D)
100 g rjavega sladkorja
2-3 lovorjeve liste

Čebulo olupimo in narežemo na rezine(ni potrebno, da so super tanke, saj med kuhanjem veliko čebule razpade), nato skupaj z oljem in čilijem kuhamo na nizkem ognju (jaz sem imela skoz na 4) vsaj 30 min, dokler ni čebula lepo skuhana in sladka. Nato dodamo kisa, sladkor in lovor, zmešamo in damo nazaj na zmeren ogenj, kjer kuhamo in reduciramo še vsaj 30 min, oz. dokler ne dobimo lepe gostljate in karamelizirane marmelade oz. chutneja.
Z marmelado napolnimo male pasterilizirane kozarčke (jaz sem dobila 3 majhne kozarčke) in dobro zapremo. Ta marmelada gre super z različnimi siri, super pa se prileže tudi k mesu. Poskusite 😉

Caramelised onion chutney made from onions from Ptuj region
It took me so long to write a new post here and I feel so guilty. Every day that passed without me posting anything I felt more guilty, and i feel stupid for it, because blog shouldn’t be something I have to do, but something I want to do, and feeling pressured( not by anybody else, but from me) into writing something can only make things worse. So I took some time off, well time off from the blog at least, otherwise I had a lot to do, plus I had some fun time as well (we visited London again this year and it was even more amazing than last year, if that is even possible). I worked with a lot of amazing people, had wonderful experiences but it did drain me completely, and it took me the whole january to slowly put myself together. Now I feel I can fly to the moon again, which is great, because I don´t like the passive aggressive me, it doesn’t suit my personality 🙂
And to celebrate I made myself some chutney. I was planning on doing this for a long time and the other day I bought some Slovenian onions, from Ptuj region (that are btw. also protected with Protected Geographical Indication ( PGI)) and I just couldn’t resist. I made a plan on what kind of chutney I want, and then I experimented, and I love the result. The sweetness of the chutney isn’t from the sugar, because I didn’t want that, instead I cooked the onions for so long, that they became sweet all on their own, then I added the vinegars and a little sugar, and then I let it reduce to a sticky and sweet and oniony delight. Njam, njam, njam:)
Try it and then you will put it on everything, it goes perfect with some gorgonzola, or any kind of meet, I also eat it with a spoon, all on it´s own 🙂

9-10 medium sized red onions
50 ml of olive oil or argan oil (I used this one)
2 chillies (more or less to your liking)
2 bay leaves
100 ml of balsamic vinegar
200 ml of red vine vinegar (you can change the ratio of the vinegars, i just hade more red vine vinegar:D)
100 g  brown sugar

Cut your onions and chilli into short, thin slices and put them into a pan with oil. Cook gently over a low heat for about 30 minutes. Once the onions are sweet and sticky, add the sugar, bay leaves and the vinegars and simmer for 30 minutes or so, until the chutney is thick and dark.Pour the chutney into hot, sterilised jars (I got 3 little jars from this amount) and let it cool.
(The idea for the recipe from here)