Objava v prilogi Slovenskih novic / Publication in a Slovenian newsletter and a recipe for Cinnamon cookies with Christmas fruit tee glaze

by Cimetovo dekle

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Danes bom hitra, ta dolga objava vas čaka v sredo, ko ima moj blog tudi obletnico, plus tega bo to prav posebna objava, tako da stay tuned 🙂
Malo mi je skoraj hudo, da je že druga objava, kot neka hvala, pa res ni mišljeno tako. Vendar kolikokrat pa se ti zgodi, da si objavljen poleg tako velikih mojstrov, kot so Naser, Bine, Tomaž Kavčič, Uroš Štefelin, JB in še bi lahko naštevala 🙂 Mene in še dve moji sošolki, tud moji zelo dobri prijateljici, je profesorica (Mojca Polak, ki je zakon :D), prosila naj posebej za revijo Slovenske novice(objavljeno v prilogi Božični okusi_ 20.12) naumimo neke svoje recepte, ki nas spominjajo na božič. Vsaka je imela svoje ideje in ko smo skupaj malo predebatirale dane možnosti, smo se potem tudi odločile za sledeče. Jaz sem tako ali tako za sladko, tako da sem naredila cimetove piškote z glazuro iz sadnega božičnega čaja in pa podobne piškote iz kave ter jajčni liker z mandljevo pasto in pa španski veterci, za crunch in tudi, da se porabijo beljaki. Nika je prav tako naredila sladke dobrote in sicer marmorni kolač s kostanjem in janežem ter kuhanček malo drugače. Na prvi pogled čisto običajen kuhanček, vendar se tega je z žlico, saj je v njem želatina, briljantno 🙂
Megi je naredila tako dobro pipiko, da smo jo potem skoraj celo pojedle kar same:) Njena druga jed pa je bil lososov tatarec z omako iz kaper, hrenovo omako in čipsom rdeče pese. Mega dobro, očitno je vsem všeč kombinacija hren in pesa, sem dolgo mislila da je samo meni, očitno sem bila v zmoti 🙂
Same smo pripravile jedi  in praznično mizo, potem smo dale tudi kratek intervju, nato je sledilo slikanje. Mislim, da govorim v imenu vseh treh, da smo se imele res fajn, zelo lepa izkušnja (še več takšnih :D). Ponosna sem na sebe, na Niko in Megi. Težko mi gre z jezika, da sem ponosna na sebe, vendar sem za to in za vse kar se mi zadnje čase dogaja res trdo delala, tako da mislim, da je človek včasih lahko tudi  ponosen na sebe. Prav je tako 🙂
Sedaj pa vam prepuščam veselo branje, objavila bom tudi stran, kjer je Naser, saj boste tam dobili recept za vanilijevo kremo, ki se je uporabila pri Mille-feuille, tako da res veliko receptov za en dan. Uživajte 😉

Glasbena podlaga: Comptine d`un autre ete – l`apres-midi

Publication in a Slovenian newsletter
I will be short today, firstly because I have a bigger post ready for you, but you will have to wait for it till Christmas, and secondly because it is a post about a publication, which together with the last post sounds like an ode to me, and I really don´t want it to look like that. But I also think if you work really hard, that soon or later you will see some results, and I have worked really hard, this year has been one of the most challenging years yet, but also the most rewarding one. I´m proud of me so the hell with it:)
So me and two other schoolmates Nika and Megi were asked to make some recipes that remind us of Christmas and so we did:)
I made cinnamon cookies with a glaze made of Christmas fruit tee and similar ones with coffee, my second recipe was a eggnog, with almond paste and meringues. Nika made a marble cake with chestnut and anise and mulled wine with a twist, she made it with gelatin, so you had to eat it, instead of drinking it, brilliant 🙂 Megi made such good chicken with buckwheat porridge, that we almost eat it all when the photo shooting was over 🙂 She also made salmon tartare with caper sauce, horseradish cream and beetroot chips, also very, very good 🙂
We had so much fun at the photo shooting, Hope we will get another chance 🙂 Today I will translate the recipe for the cinnamon cookies with Christmas fruit tee glaze, because I think they came out pretty nice if I may say so, and because I love the color that you can get from tee, no fake colors or nothing like that, just tee 🙂 Enjoy 😉

Cinnamon cookies with Christmas fruit tee glaze:
(makes 1 sheet of cookies)
140 g flour
90 g soft butter
40 g ground roasted hazelnuts
50 g icing sugar
1 eggyolk
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 tbsp orange juice

Preheat your oven to 180°C and line your tin with parchment paper.
Mix together all the ingredients and you should have a very workable dough, but slightly on the wet side (this provents it from cracking). Form little balls (around 15 g) and press them slightly to the parhment paper. Bake the cookies for 10-12 min.

3 tbsp icing sugar
1 tbsp of strong Christmas fruit tee (or any fruit tee)

Mix together and fill your piping bag. Make a circle on your cookie with white chocolate so that it prevent the glaze to drip down, then fill the circle with the glaze. I used a toothpick to spread it a little to the edge. Sprinkle with flowers form the tee.